Om den här aktiviteten
Located in four monumental synagogues near Waterlooplein, the Jewish Historical Museum offers visitors the chance to explore Jewish history and culture through 3D presentations, films, paintings and photographs. It's the Netherlands' only museum dedicated to Jewish history. Your audio guide will fill you in on the context as you walk.
The Jewish Historical Museum sits in a quiet district in Amsterdam's center. This area was once the cultural and religious hub for Jewish immigrants, though the demographics sadly changed as a result of the Nazi occupation and mass deportations. The Jewish Historical Museum stands a reminder both of this dark period, as well as a celebration of the Jewish traditions in Amsterdam and the Netherlands.
Though a single museum, the exhibits are actually spread throughout four monumental synagogues. The permanent exhibitions tell the story of Jewish culture and history in the Netherlands. One part of it - the Children's Museum - is set up as a home of a typical Jewish family. Learn about the daily life of the Hollander family as you (and your young ones) follow your lively guide Max the Matzo around.
This ticket also gets you access to other key sites in Amsterdam's Jewish Cultural Quarter, including the stately Portuguese Synagogue, and the moving Hollandsche Schouwburg (National Holocaust Memorial).
95% Turism
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