Fast Track Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia, Towers and Park Güell

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The tour begins at Park Güell, a Catalan style architectural marvel, designed for enjoying the oldest human activities - walking and exploring. Walk in through the giant stairway by the dragon designed with a mosaic of ceramic tiles, in a Catalan modernist technique called ‘Trencadis’, and explore the environment. Explore the natural setting and the architect’s intricate design language in a park designed to bring peace and calm. Furthermore, the central terrace is surrounded by a bench forming a deadly sea serpent and is held in place by 86 Doric columns showcasing the work of an artistic genius.

After the guides finish answering the many questions about the iconography and symbology seen at Park Güell, you will be taken on a ride to Sagrada Familia. The Sagrada Familia is the best place to see the work of the architectural genius that was Gaudi.The Sagrada Familia is a Royal Church designed by combining Gothic and Nouveau forms. With high towers showcasing impeccable details, its geometrical shape only furthers the delight. Beauty does lie in the eyes of the beholder, and even after 100 years since its construction began, the Sagrada Familia still remains among the most tourist visited buildings in the world. Make your way into the tower using the elevators and take in the panoramic view at your own pace. On your way down, you make take the stairs but be sure not to miss out on the details in the nooks and crannies of the walls.

85% Kulturellt