Whale Watching Afternoon Tour

Om den här aktiviteten
Whale watching at its very best. Cruise aboard a great vessel with full commentary as you cruise along Sydney’s coastline, a playground for Humpbacks between May and October. Humpback sightings have continued to increase every year and these amazing mammals just love to show off with tail slapping, breaches, and even a close-up wink when they are feeling extra curious. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to experience the gentle giants of the sea on their annual migration. The whale species you are most likely to see along the New South Wales Coastline are: Humpback Whale Southern Right Whale Other whale species you may see include: Minke Whale Blue Whale Sei Whale Fin Whale False Killer Whale Orca or Killer Whale Sperm Whale Pygmy Right Whale Pygmy Sperm Whale Bryde’s Whale You can expect to see typical whale behavior includes: Breaching, Spy Hop, Pectoral Fin Extension, Tail Slapping, Peduncle Slap, Tail Cocking, Tail Slash and Tail Swish, Pectoral Stroking and Pec Slapping all of which are explained on our About Whales - Whale Watching Guide.
100% Turism
95% Kulturellt
65% Vattenaktiviteter
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